
surviving the mcat

i know i know...i'm really late in posting today.
i'll try and make up for it!

like i mentioned earlier spence decided to wait a year to take the mcat. after looking into prep programs we decided that we really needed to do a program. after lots of research we decided on altius test prep. it was a great decision for us.

michelle went into the programs. i'm going to talk about how we got through the whole "mcat prep". altius has a very rigorous study schedule. with spence working full time and trying to do all other med school prep stuff we had to learn to survive.

there were times when i was so stressed that spence wasn't studying enough. and he was stressed he was studying too much.

there were other times when i was so mad he had to study or take a practice test (like on valentines day). there were other times when he just couldn't take studying locked in a little room by himself anymore.

we had to learn how to survive.

so this is what we did....

i got involved in as much as i could. i took over a the application worry. i figured out everything he needed to get together. input info as much as i could. and created timelines. i also made a very detailed calendar that was put on our wall that told us what studying needed to be done as well as application stuff that needed to be done that day.

finally i got creative. i made "coupons" for everyday left until the mcat. for everyday spence completed his mcat study schedule he got a coupon. coupons could be used that day or saved for later. they were everything from "going to the park" to "getting ice cream" and spence's favorite "back massage". it was actually really fun. spence loved getting a new "surprise" each day and i loved making studying fun.

there came a time when studying and stress became too much. so we took a break. sometimes that is just what the dr. orders. it's easy to get overwhelmed while studying for such a big test. but in the end if you are relaxed and on-top of things you'll do a lot  better.

so our advice....
1. start early, know when you are going to take the mcat and give yourself plenty (8-6) months of study time.
2. get organized. i got all the study material, application material, and md school advice books together. got them spiral bound and marked the important pages. when we were ever confused or had a question we knew right where to go.
3. find your own "relax" techniques. for spence it was "us" time where he didn't have to think about med school or mcat
4. calendar. this was what saved us. we wrote down what studying had to be done and then spence did that study and that was it. no more no less
5. rewards. this was the fun. plan little milestone rewards. after a practice test or after a hard week of studying. and then after the mcat celebrate
6. if you are a wife.....find something to keep yourself busy while your husband studies. don't just sit and feel bad for yourself that you have nothing to do. go have fun, girls nights, craft nights, family nights etc...
7. celebrate when it's all over!!!! we took a weekend off and just had fun

good luck to everyone taking the mcat this summer! keep on schedule and it'll all work out.

 the "coupons" i made each numbered for the number of days before the mcat
 spence studying....i kept myself entertained with taking pictures!
 our "prep" books. all spiral bound and ready to go
 after one of our breaks. a much needed nelsons custard 
we may have taken a little break to go to mexico 2 weeks before spence took the mcat. he did study each day though. i think this little relaxation and fun really helped me do better!

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