
Interview #2

Well D had his University of Utah interview this Monday. From the sounds of things it went really well! However, I hate the U of U  for its non-rollling admissions process. We won't hear anything until March....that is so long! Sometimes I give myself credit for learning patience last year but now that we are to the waiting process again I see how I haven't really changed that much.

D had three individual interviews, a tour of campus and then lunch. He came home saying he hadn't eaten much only later to find out that "not much" equals two pieces of pizza, a taco, chicken nuggets, cookies and chocolate milk. Don't worry, they were really small pieces of pizza.

The waiting game gets boring but at least he feels happy with the interview so that is really all that matters. This past weekend was General Conference and something in Elder Uchtdorf's talk really struck a cord with me. Elder Utchdorf spoke of having no regrets by focusing on happiness and I think it applies to everyone but med school families in particular.

"We shouldn’t wait to be happy until we reach some future point, only to discover that happiness was already available—all the time! Life is not meant to be appreciated only in retrospect." 

It is so easy for me to get focused on the actual being a doctor portion of our life. Sometimes I think "Ok. We just need to get through med school and residency and things will be awesome." I will turn 24 this year and when we are done with med school and residency I will be 30 if we take the shortest route. I realized I have been putting off pure happiness for the next six years! What am I thinking? So I have spent this week and will continue discovering the happiness in my life right now.

How grateful I am for this reminder that penetrated deep into my heart. The waiting is long, medical school is long, residency is long, but life is short. Life is beautiful and wonderful and hilarious and meant to be enjoyed. And I'm going to start living it and loving it rather than just waiting for it!

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that post. I have been thinking the same thing about grad school, when I'm done everything will be wonderful, but it's already wonderful.


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