
National Book Month

Why do I love October? Pumpkins, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin rolls.....oh and, fall leaves, jeans, boots, sweaters, the air, apple cider, Halloween, and pumpkin carving.

But another reason I love October is because it is National Book Month! So in honor of this beloved month, I'm going to post about one of my favorite books each week.

(I will just say now that the Harry Potter series is my all time favorite. I read the entire series every year. This past year D and I have read them together and it has been so much fun. Every night we read a chapter but we also read them on our drives to see our families. If you travel a lot or just feel like you and the husband are stuck in a rut of watching TV all the time, seriously pick a series and read it together. You will love it.)

Now, that I have made my HP obsession known, I will move on and not just pick a different HP book to talk about each week. I will pick a book I personally love, a book that's fun and a book that is on my list. That being said I will also rate the books for you content wise so no one gets surprised.

  • Child's Play: No language, no sex, no fun. Just kidding. Seriously, I'm just kidding!! (Ex: The Chronicles of Narnia)
  • Family Friendly: mild/suggestive language or violence (Ex: Harry Potter)
  • Mature: medium language, violence or drug use (Ex: Their Eyes Were Watching God)
  • Adult: extreme language (F Bomb) on more than one occasion, graphic sex/violence/drug use        (Ex: Bossy Pants by Tina Fey)

One really great thing about being graduated is all the reading time I have for books I have been waiting to read for years! I signed up for my local library card and I visit it between 3-4 a week. Not always to get a new book but sometimes just to read in the atmosphere and get out of the house since I work from home. Books have been a long time escape of mine and I plan on a life long love affair.

I'm excited to get posting and to hear what your favorite books are! This is the month! You know that book you have been "meaning to read" for the last eight months? Pick it up, go to the library, download to your fancy kindle, borrow from a friend, get your hands on a great book and join me in celebrating National Book Month!

1 comment:

  1. Okay girl, we are totally on the same page! I post a book each week too! I can't wait to see which books you pick, i'm alway looking for a good recommendation!


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