
you are beautiful

The most recent Priesthood Session of General Conference has inspired the young men of the church to make these hilarious music videos.  It comes from the following portion of President Monson's talk:
"Many years ago, at an area conference held in Helsinki, Finland, I heard a powerful, memorable, and motivating message given in a mothers and daughters’ session. I have not forgotten that message, though nearly 40 years have passed since I heard it. Among many truths the speaker discussed, she said that a woman needs to be told she is beautiful. She needs to be told she is valued. She needs to be told she is worthwhile."

Here are my favorite three but there are tons of them!

I adore the youth.

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1 comment:

  1. haha i LOVE this! I loved President Monsons talk from Priesthood session. Every woman really does need to be told she is beautiful. I love that these young men are making these! SO FUN!



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