
Sunshine State Wife

We are in for a treat! Cute Sarah Jane is guest posting for us today! She is sharing her experience as a wife to a grad student living in the Sunshine state. Man can I just say I am super jealous...I'm bundled up in my big coat today while she enjoys the warmth!

Hey there. 
I am SarahJane and I blog over at Just the Two of Us.
I am super excited to guest post today for Wives, M.D.
See my sweet Husband of mine hauled me across the country just three LONG months ago. 
We are both Utahns. Born and raised.
We miss it like crazy and I will always call it home. It is just where my heart is. 
Now we are apart of the sunshine state. 
{Yes, we are voting for Romney. #swingstate}
Dave brought me to Florida with him so he could go to graduate school. 
He is currently doing a combine masters/ph.d program in Hispanic Linguistics. 
To be honest. 
Moving away is so much harder than I imagined it would be. 
Or maybe graduate school is so much harder than I thought it would be?

Before we left Utah, we never really talked about moving. 
Because we were both nervous. excited. scared. emotional. you name it. 
I really never let my mind think about it because I wanted to enjoy where we were. 
Now that we are here. It is really hard at times. 
I miss my family like crazy. 
I am grateful for Dave. He works so hard and really makes his best effort to spend time with me. 
I see all the other wives of Dental students, Law students, 
MED students (like these fabulous woman)
and I am in awe of them. 
There husbands are gone 12+ hours a day!
Dave is gone a LOT. and yes he gets stressed and school is really hard. 
But, I am grateful for how much I get to see him. 
And thank heavens it is just 4 years, right? 
{just FOUR years?}
Med student wives are truly angels in my book. 

Anyways, on to the fun stuff. 
Florida has been so much fun. 
Right now we have an average daily temp up in the mid-high 70s. 
It is no longer insanely humid (only about 45% on average)
and the major rain season is over. 
It really is paradise!

With all of Dave's hard work, we get to play a lot too...

 We have become GATORS! 
We are loving the football games here, the stadium seats 95,000!
That is way more than the cougars!

 We are only an hour away from both the Golf Coast and the East Coast beaches.
{Dave is still really white though.. hahah don't tell him I said that ;)}

We are huge rock climbers. 
So we miss our mountains like crazy. 
BUT. there is a decent climbing gym, thank goodness. 
(This was at the Halloween climbing competition...
We were both Where's Waldo)
Well there you have it. 
Being the wife of a graduate student is hard at times.
BUT. We definitely get to have a lot of fun too!
We hope you will stop by and read about our adventures some time :)

Isn't she just a doll! Make sure to check out her blog here. We love having guest posts...if you are interested let me know! We'd love to make new friends. 

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  1. Thanks for letting me guest post today!! It is such a treat to know other wives going through grad school too :)

  2. Sarah Jane!!! You guest posted! Wonderful; I love your posts. And what is even more amazing is that you are a Gator! We should go to a game together sometime. They are my team and have been since I was little. So great to see you guest posting; that was a surprise.

    I will be following this blog because I do want to keep up with the Wives of the MDs. What a spectacular blog idea!

    Brani Laine


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