
Adjusting to Medical School???

I have been in Salt Lake all week for a conference. While I've been home I've had a lot of people ask me how I am adjusting to Chicago and living away from "home".  I realized when I married Spencer I probably wouldn't stay in Utah all my life. Being completely honest I loved that idea. After living in Jerusalem for 4 months I realized that I can survive outside of my little home bubble. And not only survive but thrive. So, moving away was exciting for me.

When it came down to really choosing schools we applied to our "home" school but neither of us felt good or excited about staying. We were ready to get out, explore what the world has to offer. I was ready to establish us as just us! No offense to our parents but it's nice not hearing..."oh you are Andy's Son" or "I dated your mom in high school" (hilarious how often that happened).  For once we are just the Barfuss family. I love it like that!

Don't get me wrong...moving was tough. But I actually thought I handled it pretty well. Though at first I wasn't thrilled about cold Chicago, when the decision was made I was all in. I cried maybe 3 times, got homesick maybe 3 times since being here. All in all though I love it. 

As I was driving to the airport last week on my way to SLC my heart dropped as I drove past my beautiful downtown. I was so sad to leave home. It then hit me....Chicago is now my home. I have only been here 2.5 months and already feel so attached to this beautiful city. 

So what's my point? The "adjustment to medical school"  questions come a lot. Here is what I have to say....

-If life decides to take you away from "home" for grad school enjoy the excitement of a new adventure. 
-As a wife I think the best thing you can do at the beginning is be excited, happy, and overall thrilled with your new home. It makes your husband happy which then helps his adjustment to grad school (trust me on this)
-Live it up. You are only new to a city for a short time. Make ever effort to explore, learn and fall in love.
-Fall in love with your new home. When I made up my mind that Chicago was going to be the home I loved it made all the difference. I could have sat here and wished we were living on the beach for the next 4 years and then been miserable. Instead I've made my home the cold mid-west. 

So moral of this story...
We've only been here for a short time but we are well past the adjustment. We are enjoying our home and can already say we'll be sad to leave. So glad we get 4 incredible years in our city!

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