
Fitness Friday

So I slightly laughed at myself with the post title. It's like Fitness Friday is a thing for me...it's not! 

Haha I honestly should be the last person posting about fitness but I decided to. Because why.....Well fitness has never really been my thing. Don't get me wrong I love taking care of my body and being in shape but I struggle with working out. 

I used to be a dancer and I loved that. I danced through my senior year at BYU. But, it all came to an end. I did have a gym pass once. I was really good for about a year. Again, that all came to an end. 

Recently Spencer and I decided I needed more balance in my life. Including daily exercise. So I've set out to get myself a plan. I am going to start a weekly yoga class and pick up with my good friend Jillian Michaels again.

Last night (after watching way to much tv...dang you NBC Thursday nights, you are too funny) I decided to put on my trusty nike's, pull out the weights and turn on the 30 day shred. I actually made it pretty far when I about killed myself. Tonight I will push it even further! 

Here is where you come in. I am really struggling to find a good (and simple) home workout. Do any of you have advice for me? A good way to exercise at home and get in shape, but yet simple enough this little blonde can understand? Please share! 

Happy Friday! 
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  1. If you're looking for free yoga I really like the Yogamazing podcasts. The toning one will kick your butt.

    1. Hey that sounds awesome! I am going to look into that!


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