
Why I'm grateful for my Mr. Med Student

So last night I really learned what it was like being a med students wife!
Be warned the story below is a long one.....

Spence and I had the missionaries over for dinner. I sure love having them come over. Anyway, we decided it would be fun to make them breakfast for dinner. We were running a bit late so of course we were both doing too much at one time. The missionaries showed up and I was still finishing the eggs and bacon. In my rush I basically dumped bacon grease all over my right hand.

In that moment both Spence and I realized I had done something bad. We quietly rushed me over to the sink where I pretended to play it cool in front of the missionaries. After some cool running water I got some ice and sat down. Dinner was actually really fun. Even though I was in a ton of pain I was able to enjoy the time with the missionaries. The sweet elders kept asking how my hand was doing. I guess I couldn't hid the pain completely.

Before they left I was in some serious pain. With the missionaries help, Spence gave me a blessing that my hand would feel better. We said goodbye to the missionaries and sat down to relax. At this point the pain really hit me. It was bad and I needed help. We rushed to Walgreens and picked out the best burn jell we could find.

When we got home we tried the burn jell. Spence put it on my figures but I only lasted about 30 secs. The pain was unbearable. I quickly put my hand back into cold water. A couple of hours later I came to realize I wasn't going to sleep. So we had a little sleepover in our family room so I could watch TV.

Around midnight I forced Spence to go sleep in our bed. At least one of us should get some sleep. My hand was fine as long as I kept ice on the burn or moved it around in cold water. After some cheesy netflixs movies I was so tired. I was finally ready to fall asleep. I refilled my bag of ice and cuddled up.

I was almost asleep when the pain hit. It was like my hand was smashed by a car. I quickly put my hand in cold water. It was the only thing that felt good. I sat on the couch in tears. I was finally able to get to the bathroom. Running cold water over my hand I realized I was in trouble. If I took my hand out of the running water I was in serious pain. At this point, though I felt horrible, I knew I needed to wake Spence up.

How grateful I am for my sweet husband. He quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom where I sat with my hand in water. At this point we both realized I had frostbite on my fingers. My hand had been in ice water or directly on ice for the past 7 hours.

So here we were, 3am, in our bathroom not really knowing what to do. I was a mess! The pain was horrible and I felt so stupid for keeping my hand on ice for that long. We decided we needed to go to the ER. After some research we realized the ER that is across the street from us is covered under our insurance plan (blessing!). Spence started to help me get ready to go to the ER when I knew we should say a prayer. After the prayer I just knew I could make it through on my own.

So Mr. Med School made us a plan. We would keep my hand under running water and slowly increase the temperature of the water. According to a google search we needed to get my hand to stand up to about 100 degree water. The next hour was painful. My cute husband pulled two chairs into our tiny bathroom. To distract me from the pain we turned on some White Collar (again blessing!).

Slowly but surely I was able to stand warmer water. I was even able to pull a couple of fingers out of the water! Finally, about an hour later I was able to stand my whole hand out of the water. Spence sweetly tucked me into bed, kissed me goodnight, and got about 1 hours sleep before he had to wake up to finish the homework he didn't get done last night (because he was taking care of me).

This morning when I woke up it hit me like a ton of bricks. The sweet blessing that my husband and the missionaries gave me truly helped. I was almost asleep with my hand on a bag of ice when the pain hit hard. I woke up with this thought "get your hand in water". I thank Heavenly Father for that thought. If I would have fallen asleep with the ice on my hand I think I could have caused some serious damage to my hand. I am grateful for my sweet husband who knew how to fix the problem and held me the whole time I was in tears.

 See that white spot....thats a pretty blister from the burn
 So pictures aren't that great but these are my pretty fingers. All blistered and red from last night. 
Some nice little ice burns on the pads of my fingers. Luckily only my middle finger still hurts!

So moral of this long story.....
If you burn your hand with bacon grease don't keep it on ice for hours.
It's great having a med student as your husband. He's super smarty pants!
White Collar is a much better distraction than cheesy netflix made for TV movies.
Priesthood blessings are a beautiful thing.
I am typing this right now.....aka my hand is doing much better.

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1 comment:

  1. Wow that's a crazy story. I'm glad you're doing ok. Just the though of hot grease makes me shutter. I hate frying things!


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